View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/81
Sno State District Block Village Place of Complaint Address of Complaint Person of Complaint Complainer Address Complainer Phone Complainer Mobile Compaliner Email Complaint Type Actual Complaint Date of Complaint Time Limit for Complaint
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  SEONI  -  -  seoni  Bus stand seoni  rakesh viskarma  Near filter chw. Road seoni  9425176310   Other   Res/sir, I want to inform u about MISSUSE of gov. Sceeam of destibution of CYCLE to poor students. There are some shopkeeper n some teachers are involve in this frod. There r some Shopkeeper who gave only bill of cycles n charge rs 300 n they can't give cycle to student n teacher are also involve in this.Due to this mp goverment facess many losses due to this many student are not purchase cycle because their perents bey a bill n submit to school n the teacher expect this bill they cnt cheque cycle n frme no I hope u will take proper action about this missuse of gov. Sceem THANKYOU   29/07/2013   0  No 

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