View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/28
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  BHIND  -  -  Pachera[Mehgaon]  Mehgoan  Shrikrishna Tyagi  Dyal gali mehgaon dist.bhind    9754862562   Governor   I want to log complaint against Panchayat Pachera. Panchayat pachera did fake work in MNREGA and that lead to high corruption in MNERGA,In short they had made road under the MNERGA but this road build on wrong place and all works was done by machines not by human resources. There were fake work done instead of actual work. They have done symbolic work [only made approx 100 m soil road]and made corruption in goverment money[approx 5 lac].And one another thing is that this fake road made on wrong place is going to create problem to farmer because their harvesting way[in hindi its so-called "KOOL"]is blocked by this.Sir if You want document proof then i will provide all of them completely.NO official are listening.So please sir take this corruption seriously . I am waiting for your response.Thank you   30/05/2012   0  No 

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