View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/152
Sno State District Block Village Place of Complaint Address of Complaint Person of Complaint Complainer Address Complainer Phone Complainer Mobile Compaliner Email Complaint Type Actual Complaint Date of Complaint Time Limit for Complaint
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  BHOPAL  -  -  bhopal  Vill-Barkheda Baramad, Block-Berasia  Ram Dangi  Vill-Barkheda Baramad, Block-Berasia    9406903757   Citizen   Double budget is alloted by two different names & work codes for a single road for rural connectivity. Khet Sadak gao se nahar tak GP Barkheda Baramad (1728001084/RC/22012034290064) andkhet sadak nirman nadi ke pass se balveer ke khet ki aur (1728001084/RC/22012034291780) Above discripted both roads are same and not two different roads   20/04/2016   0  No 

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MIS Section (MGNREGS-MP, Bhopal).