View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/139
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  UJJAIN  -  -  sh 27 ujjain agar road gram dhabla hardu  Bunty sardar ka dhaba gram dhabla hardu  albela singh  Ghoda bagh   Citizen   Gram dhabla hardu me dhabha sanchalk bunty sigh sardar avedh roop se prtidin hazaro litter petrol avm diesal ka bhandarn kar bech rha he. ..dhabe par har samay 1000 se 2000 lt. petrol uplabdh rhta he.itni adhik matra me petrol diesal bhndarn se gramino ke jan avm mal ko hmesha khatra bna rhta he...dhabla hardu ko petlwad bane se bachaye. vishy me jalb se jalb karywahi ho....   29/09/2015   0  No 

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