View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/137
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  BHOPAL  -  -      Dr Divya Nigam  c2,bijlee nagar,govindpura  07552581252  09406913433   Official   Respected Sir, On the subject I request you to hear my plea regarding decline of my extension for deputation as Medical Officer in Central Zone Discom Headquarters in Bhopal . In August 2012 my Daughter Ekaksha was diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder ) it is a spectrum disorder which needs specialized treatment whwich includes speech therapy , special education ,Occupational therapy .In Bhopal there is a centre named CRC (Composite Rehabilitation Centre )which is one of its kind in Madhya Pradesh which specializes in Autism treatment .This was the reason why I was granted permission for deputation from Madhya Pradesh Generating Company to Madhya Pradesh Vidhyut Vitaran company from November 2012 for 3yrs . Since then my daughter is regularly taking treatment from CRC and is improving slowly and steadily. She has to undergo this treatment till she reaches her adulthood By then she will slowly develop a sense of self reliance and can cope up with the day to day situation .In this regards a certificate is enclosed which is given by them . When I went for submitting my application for the extension of my tenure I was assured by my MD - Mr Vivek Porwal that it would be done as he has no issues against me getting it ,But later during the course of time I came to Know that my Head of Department along with GM-HR Mr Ratanakar Jha had objected against my extension of tenure due to their vested interest .My HOD had objected saying that as the nos of employed are retiring during the next few months the need for one more Doctor is not needed ,and he also said that the staff working in the dispensary dnt want me to continue over there as medical officer ,which itself is ridiculously wrong .As you can see that both HOD & GM-HR have totally neglected my medical grounds which is the soul reason of my deputation itself show their vested interest in my removal from the institution. As you can see that due to this my daughters treatment which is going on in CRC will get effected due to the rejection of my extension I kindly request you to consider my plea and take appropriate action against such in human senior officer who neglected my extension of tenure souly for their vested interest .   24/09/2015   0  No 

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Application Designed and Developed by Mrs. Preeti Tiwari, Manager(IT)
MIS Section (MGNREGS-MP, Bhopal).