View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/131
Sno State District Block Village Place of Complaint Address of Complaint Person of Complaint Complainer Address Complainer Phone Complainer Mobile Compaliner Email Complaint Type Actual Complaint Date of Complaint Time Limit for Complaint
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  BHOPAL  -  -  bhopal  e8/89 basant kunj, kanak appartment, bhopal  akshat bagwaiya  e8/89 basant kunj, kanak appartment, bhopal  8109347770  8109347770   Public Representative   sir, This is to inform you that there is a eletronic shop name of the shop is samsung galaxy and shop is situated in front of the morena dairy in mp nagar. That shop owner illegally captured the corridor which is in front of his shop. he abuse the people pedestarian which passes from that corridor. please take action at the earliest.   18/06/2015   0  No 

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Application Designed and Developed by Mrs. Preeti Tiwari, Manager(IT)
MIS Section (MGNREGS-MP, Bhopal).