View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/121
Sno State District Block Village Place of Complaint Address of Complaint Person of Complaint Complainer Address Complainer Phone Complainer Mobile Compaliner Email Complaint Type Actual Complaint Date of Complaint Time Limit for Complaint
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  SIDHI  -  -  MAJHOULI  MAJHOULI  RAJNEESH TIWARI  GRAM-GHARBHARA POST PONDI JODHAURI  7566345237  7566345237   Official   Dear Sir/Mam Teh . majhouli Disst. Sidhi Gram Panchayat chaohanan tola me sahayak sachive ki niyukti abaith hui hai. please check it. Please resolve the provlem and niyukt to right condidate.   12/03/2015   0  No 

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