View Details for Complaint No. nregs/mp/107
Sno State District Block Village Place of Complaint Address of Complaint Person of Complaint Complainer Address Complainer Phone Complainer Mobile Compaliner Email Complaint Type Actual Complaint Date of Complaint Time Limit for Complaint
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 1  Madhya Pradesh  SEONI  KAHNAPAS(GHANSAUR)  Diwari  diwari  diwari  ashish chouksey  village diwari    7405625067   Public Representative   Many MANREGA fake ID'S has been made by the sarpunch,Sachiv and post master of gram punchayat diwari due to that missusing of govt mony, and it's also not reaching to neady people.I request you to take necessary action against fraud.   13/09/2014   0  No 

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